Kimball's Babe Sixteen

We had ordered a holding tank for the head; the shipment didn't come because they didn't have the right size.  So after talking about that we were to get a larger tank for the same money, but when we went to pick that up the tank was too big to fit in the spot we have for it so we had to order a different on; it should come in on Tuesday.  The good news is that we have the area planned and just need to get the materials to complete the job.

We hired Raymond to put in the holding tank.  Since we didn't get the materials in today we asked him to splice our rope chain.  Raymond was the rigger for the Ship Hector.

Meanwhile Will put a bead of sealant around the hand rails of the pilot house.

Raymond finished the splice and wrapped it in a black rope for strength.

Finished splice; the problem, it is not flexable to go through the windless so he had to take it apart and do the black in only a few places that leaves some frayed ends.  We will have to think about this....

Meanwhile, Will painted the white stipe around the bow.

Then he cleaned more connections on the motor.

Vern stopped by and brought us some roofing plans he had done for other boats; we want to add a roof about two thirds of the way back on the deck.  Look at the boat.  You can see the engine house box we stood up to dry out.  Yes we found more rot along the edges of the box and on the deck where it sits that we have to deal with.

Kathy finished the stripe around the stern and started on the pilot house.  The metal her shadow is pointing to holds the life ring; when we get a roof we might have to change where that is located. The two pipes are air intake for the motor compartment.  We are working hard every day from morning to night.  It feels good to be working on our own project; even if we are behind schedule we are enjoying what we are doing.


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