Houston Fest Galax, VA

We arrived in Galax, VA and stopped at our friend, Harold's.

He was just putting the finishing touches on a cake he made for his nephew.  Harold is great in the kitchen!

Brenda arrived!  We had a nice meet and greet.

We went to the school across the street with Brenda and Harold and met Linda who likes hugs.

Each day the three of them and others from the community volunteer to prepare backpacks of food items for children who otherwise would good the weekend hungry.

They have fund raisers to get money and purchase food items that children can manage for breakfast and lunch.  They also get donations.  There is a man in Florida that heard about their need for food so ships items from Amazon.com for them to distribute.

They get everything organized then run an assembly line to package items.

The bags are then sent to the classrooms where the teachers put them in the children's backpacks so that no one is called to any attention.

Time to head to Houston Fest whose mission is to honor the legacy and spirit of a young man who served his community and was a gifted musician and to provide inspiration for youth and support for the Volunteer Fire Department.

The fairgrounds are ready and many have arrived already. Over the years they have had artists: Ricy Skaggs, Gene Watson, The Boxcars, Lonesome River Band, Mountain Heart, Jeanette Williams, Ron Block, Wayne Henderson, Ronda Vincent and so many more.

Houston Caldwell was a young man that was a great banjo picker.  He was inaugurated into the Firefighting force of Galax and later that week back in 2010 he was killed in a motorcycle accident.  His family and friends started this Fest in his honor and it has grown every year.
Galax is going to have some unique art around town!!
Check these basses out!!

Lola, this one is for you, a quilter!

Each one is so amazing!

Will liked the Galax Station one.

Even the backs are painted!

Willard Gayheart is a famous artist out this way. He has done some amazing sketches.

We'll find the one he did of RedHead Express for you tomorrow.

This is Kathy's favorite made with mosaic tiles.

But they are all awesome.

Check out the back of this one!

Willard is also doing sketches on music cases!

There was a display of handmade fiddles; just a beautiful piece of art!

Now, speaking of art, look what these people do with wood!

Have you ever had a fried pie?  We just had to try one.  These ladies made over 350 of them!

They were really good!

Now this tent was really popular!

Kids of all ages came to hold an instrument and have a short lesson.

Oh my look who we saw!  Billie and earlier we had seen his wife, Lola!  They have put a lot of time in helping to organize this event! They are volunteering today. Busy busy!  Will catch up with them later.

This is the craft tent.  Oh so much to see and hear!

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