Morning before Alisa and Cody's Reception

Cocoa came to visit.

Apryll made some breakfast for Ammon and everyone else helped themselves to whatever they wanted.

Kathy and LaRae made up the bed in Alisa and Cody's room

Lola your quilt looks beautiful!

Meghan was getting her room organized so Kathy went around and cleaned up the bathrooms a bit.

And before we all knew it the happy couple arrived from their honeymoon.

They loved their room.

We all laughed as Cody found all his clothes and shoes neatly in the closet.

Cody's Mom, Cindy and one of his six sisters joined us to admire Lola's quilt.


They they spotted a gift on the dresser.

Congratulations Hawaiian style.


Their woven blanket with the Navoo temple on it.

Everyone mingled in the kitchen.

Cocoa enjoyed some crumbs while Ryan stared at the camera...or was he staring at Kathy.

LaRae and Kathy hug up all his little clothes; it was like playing with doll clothes.  Fun!!

And soon the time came to dress for the reception.


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