Walker Family Time

We arrived at Walker Mountain as dark was setting in; we said a quick hello and were off to a house concert near by.

After the concert the Smith's stopped at their new home to show us around. Loved the corner shelf that Kelly made them. Sorry the picture didn't turn out, but it fits perfectly in the corner and you can still open the cupboard door all the way. It is already filled with treasures.
The house is becoming a home.
We even got to see some of the baby's new things.  
Apryll made this carton of eggs from felt and the shopping bag too!  The best was the little chick that turns into an egg.  So, which came first the chick or the egg?  After spending time with Nicole and the grandkids it was fun seeing LaRae who is ready for her baby boy to arrive in about eight weeks and share her excitement.
Sean showed us the gingerbread Columbia town square they are making.

The the Christmas tree; Cocoa has eaten most of the gingerbread ornaments up as far as he could reach.

"Have we met?"  " I don't think so. My name is Will Bradley, I'm with the RedHead Express." "I hear they are a really good band." "They are, but you know what is even more amazing? There is a young man that travels with him; have you heard of him?" "Yes, I believe he is the one who wears (what follows is a complete description of every thing Ammon is wearing at the time, concluded by) and he has brown eyes with black pupils." " I believe you are correct!"
Ammon was very proud of his Arc that Meghan and Alisa had made for him to house all of his little animals.  He shared the name of each one; Stretch, the giraffe, Quack, the duck....
Kendra and her fiancée, Kelly; she got engaged on the 23rd when Kelly got up on the Galax stage and proposed in front of the entire audience.
We gave them a lock; it is a Russian tradition to put the lock on a metal spoke of a bridge and toss the two keys into the water symbolizing everlasting commitment to each other.
Two cute couples....

The Smith's got a new appliance in the form of a gift card for their new house.

Giving each other small tokens of our friendship has become sort of a tradition.  So, we put together a few New Year's gifts:

Puzzle for the boys.

Nail polish for the girls.

Nail polish, socks and baby outfit for the Smith's.

And Apryll and Brett got a candle and chocolates.

Cocoa got to wear the New Year's tiara.  We had a short, but fun visit sitting around and chatting, laughing and enjoying the company of good friends.  We will see them again when RedHead Express tours in Texas in a few weeks.


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