Stone Hill Winery

Free tour and tasting!!

Karen gave a wonderful tour telling us about the city of Hermon, MO where Stone Hill began.

Some of the wine is put into oak barrels to age

This is the sparkling wine that is the only wine bottle here in Branson. Bob told us all about how it is done.

Karen took us to the tasting room

where we sampled about a dozen different wines: Reserve Chardonel, Hermannberger, Norton, Cross J Vineyard Norton, Traminette, Steinberg White, Steinberg Red, Vigoles, Rose Montaige, Golden Spumante, Jacquesse Kick'n Berry, Pink Catawba, Concord, Cream Sherry, and our favorite Vidal Blac.  Karen told us about dry and sweet, oak and metal barrels, smooth and rich, light and flowery.

Loved the glass topsa

and the grapevine glasses.

We picked up a bottle of Golden Spumante, 

actually corked by Bob!


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