Silver Dollar City

Today we used our passes to get in to SDC once again after Kathy's visit to the dentist.  She had a hollow spot on that front tooth filled, but gave her a numbed up lip that lasted a few hours.

There was a shoot out on the main street!

We had lunch in the employee dining hall; ham and potatoes with a tomato rice blend as all the veggies were gone and the salad bar was already closed up.  The price was right at just $2.50!

Kathy found the school house and hosted a little lesson for the kids:

Everyone write, "Today is a good day to drive!:

Oh look at this really old stove; this is what we want in our touch spot someday!

Watched a guy hueing logs; says he can do about one log every 2 hours.

Talked with Anna Belle in this great two-story log cabin for quiet a time; what a neat building.

Down at the pickers circle a few people from the audience joined in.

And look at this tiny little praying mantis that climbed up on Will's cup!! He was so cute.  Kathy put him away from the trampling people on a leaf; she really wanted to just keep him as a pet.  He was crawling over her fingers and just looked so adorable.

As the time passed we had a good sized circle of pickers.

this guy came up and thanked us for watching them pick all day.

Stopped to watch a lady painting umbrella's on our way out; the children enjoyed playing with them.


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