A walk

Well, it started off when the Zumba instructor couldn't make class so we ladies decided to take a walk to keep up our exercise.  We took a detour to see the new puppies under the shed.  The Momma dog would come to Harleys and Sandy would feed her every day; we would greet her too and give her treats so she likes us.  The pups are little balls of fur in good health so we left them where they were and started off on our walk.  Three dogs joined us as we passed Harley's, Clide, the bar dog and two others, a lab and a husky.  We walked and they stayed with us checking the sides for good smells.



Sandy said she recognized the two dogs and knew where they lived so on our way back to Harley's we detoured a second time to bring the dogs home.  We arrived at the house and the three of us ladies stayed near the mail box, the dogs continued up the street, and Sandy when to the door.  She knocked.  A child opened the door and screamed out, "Mamma" and cried.  We heard Sandy yell into the house to see if anyone was home-on one. The child continued to cry. The lab ran into the house and a few moments later the husky went in and made himself at home.  Sandy closed the door leaving the dogs inside; she said she saw two large bowls of dogfood inside and was sure they belonged there.  The child stayed outside crying.  We all were on the porch by this time trying to comfort this poor little boy.  We tried all of our spanish to which he brightened and went from crying to sniffling.  We sat on the porch with him and Sandy decided to walk back to the Harley's to see if anyone had a phone number of the family.  We played peek-a-boo, had the stuffed cat that was on the porch do a few meows, and mostly just told him everything would be okay.  We pulled out our phones and showed him pictures and took pictures that kept his mind off Momma.  At that word he would always cry.  



About twenty minutes later a black car pulls in the drive and two young men and a woman get out of the car.  the child brightens up and runs to one of the men who scoops him up in his arms.  At just about that time Sandy arrives in a pick-up truck and comes strolling up.  We tell the men and women about the dogs; at first they didn't know about dogs, but once we said they were inside they admitted they were theirs.  The dogs keep getting out they said. We said the child had opened the door and there was no one with him. The one man said something about leaving him for just a few minutes to take care of a truck.  Sandy pointed her finger at him and told him in so uncertain terms that you do not leave a young boy all by himself; we almost called the police.  We left them and walked back to the house. The little boy waved.




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