House Cleaning

The house is just three rooms with a bath but needs cleaned from time to time just like the big stationary ones. And so it was that cleaning commenced.

Will got a bucket of foamy water and washed every inch of the outside. He also washed all the rugs after beating them!

Kathy first picked up all the little things that get set down instead of put away and got them to their rightful places. Next came making the bed that got her to looking at the storage under the bed. There are pictures under there and we all know how she likes pictures do clean up included some time for picture viewing. The bed got made and the bedroom windows got washed inside and out. While dusting the book shelf Kathy had to move the photo albums. Yes she looked at just about every one! But the dusting got finished and that was one room done.

On to the kitchen. Two days of dishes first. Then she used the wash water to mop up the floor. She even cleaned out the fridge!

Time for breakfast. Isn't that always the way. You clean the room and then you have to dirty it up again.

Those dishes went in the sink and Kathy moved on to the living/diningroom. Then came wiping down all of the cupboards with old English oil, love that stuff!

The house feels and smells so clean! Will did a great job with the outside that now needs a wax job.
Today is a Good Day to Drive!
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