In the forest

As we walked thru the arch this morning the crows announced our entrance. A mated pair of cardinals called hello. And the pair of hummingbirds buzzed us in greeting. We walked the path easily today after yesterday's trimming session. The squirrel seems to think we are now friends as he chatters when we pass. Kathy walked around one of the small ponds along the path startling the frogs that inhabit here and causing a bit of excitement. One big guy was so startled that he gave out a great squeal instead of his usual ribbit. We know that the eyes of the forest watch us closely for we saw several in branches looking unblinking as we passed. No matter how softly we step, we are loud. Twigs crack under our feet, leaves russle and
the very ground shakes. We found many treasures today: tiny flowers that the fairies must tend as they are quite small, soft puffy moss in shades of green, and mushrooms big and small. At the end of the trail we explored a bit beyond and think we shall blaze ahead a bit further tomorrow.

When we got back. The hummingbird feeder was still there. The stove still was there. The table and chairs were unmoved. And all the tires were still on the van!

Kathy's bee sting from yesterday is worse today. About the size of a hamburger Will says. She had been washing dishes and a fly came to play. She thought it was he that landed on her back thigh and raised her leg to frighten him. But instead she squashed a poor bee that had stopped to lick off a little salt. The spot immediately swelled and stung like crazy. Will put Stingeeze on it and that helped a bit. Today she is putting black tea on it and benydril cream. Maybe tomorrow it will feel better.

Later Will will start a fire. We will not have it in last nights spot as we don't want to burn up all the magic. Will will strum his guitar. Kathy and the cicadas will sing along.
Today is a Good Day to Drive!
Sent from my iPhone


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