Camp fire all ablaze

A guy named Gene came early driving in fast. Pulled right up to the front porch and got out kindda quick. We were still snuggled in bed, but Will jumped up and was out the door before Gene closed his door. Gene has been coming here for 30 years to hunt and bright his tree stand to set up and claim his hunting spot. He told us that this use to be a old homestead bought up during the depression.

Today thru the arch we went with our nippers and cleaned up the trail out to the end. We watched a spider hold tightly to his captured moth; we watched a fuzzy bright red and black giant ant looking creature out for a morning stroll. And we watched an army of ants walk off with our peanutbutter cracker crumbs! We thought we better leaving yellow ties instead if bread crumbs so we could find our way back as we explored the area beyond trails end. And we picked each one up on our return so the critters of the land under the archway would not get spooked.

The rest of the day passed with reading and puzzling. Kathy got out her tulip beading project. It is starting to look like tulips!

With evening came another campfire. We hung our netting so that under the awning is now nice and warm. After the owl announced the night Will got out is guitar and Kathy got out her shaker to keep time. They filled the area with music and the owl joined in and the insects too. A coyote howled along too


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