Texas Times With the RedHead Express 10 Texas Trails

We are now in to the routine:  We arrive a few hours before the show and set up the chairs in theater fashion and bring in all the equipment.  The boys, Will and Brett set up the speakers and sound stuff. Kathy sets up the merchandise table while the girls and Apryll get set lists, schedules and practice for the show. The boys bake cookies and practice for the show when they finish helping with the sound stuff.

Then comes the sound check.  It is great hearing snipits of songs, beautiful voices sing out, bellow out and blend together. Sometimes early arrivals get to listen too.

Kathy spent time writing additions to the Texas schedule on brochures

Brett is the master of sound....

Then comes the show!

LaRae can play that banjo, smile and dance

Joseph on mandolin

Alisa plays mandolin and fiddle

Sean on dobro

Meghan on bass

Alisa has been getting a cowboy hat from the audience to wear while singing Cowboy Sweetheart.  When no one has one Will comes to the rescue.

Apryll is manager, mom and magnificent at keeping it all together

All Texas

Greeting fans and selling merchandise

Sean is the sound man and Ammon is the comic relief. 

LaRae takes care of all of the wireless; she is fantastic at organization!


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