On To Missouri

June 22, 2008
This morning is again sunny and warm in Atchinson, KS. We wanted to stay for the best fireworks in KS and Amelia Earhart Festival but…. We did some shopping and went over to Amelia Earhart Earthworks for coffee and down to Warnock Lake for breakfast. We watched the dragonflies and saw an Eastern Kingbird, Great Blue Heron, Red-winged blackbirds, robins, sparrows, geese and dragonflies.

Time to depart KS. We made our way to town and crossed the Missouri River over to Missouri. At Lewis and Clark SP we had some lunch and drove through Lewis and Clark Village, a bison summer home sort of place then took a short-cut road tht started as a real road, but soon turned into a narrow gravel road. We made it over to route 116.The country side is very Pennsylvaniaish with tiger lilies, queen Ann’s lace and tall grassy weeds, trees and brush. The difference was the cuts through solid sand wind and water worn. Corn fields are about knee high or just planted. We had our own car show with oldies heading off to somewhere: Oldsmobile, Buick ….(Mary you could probably name them all!) It was good as we were singing along with Frankie Valli, 4 Seasons, and Jams Taylor. In Lathrop we got gas for $3.779 a gal. Is that good? What are you paying for gas? Turned south on US69 and east at Lawson on Highway D south on C and finallygot on route 10. In Richmond we found Roberts Park where we made some dinner and spent the rest of the evening.


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