Chibola National Forest to Santa Fe, New Mexico

May 22, 2008
It was raining when we got up this morning here in the Chibola National Forest. Today is a good day to drive. We packed up, had our coffee and drove up to the Red Canyon Campground to dump our trash. It is snowing up here!!!! Then we started down the mountain and north to Santa Fe and civilization. We looked back and sure enough the mountains are covered with snow. We followed route 337, a great road through the forest that goes down the mountain with switchbacks and wiggles (sports car road) to Tijeras where we picked up route 14 north. That took us across the San Padre Valley and into the foothills. The mining ghost town of Madrid is trying to be an artsy town. They have the Engine Theater, Mining Saloon, shops and eateries. Great destination point for people in the nearby cities of Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
Cerrillos is another ghost town making a go of it as a tourist stop with a glass bottle shop, antique shops, beautiful church and lots of art studios housed in historic and unique buildings. We are now immersed in Santa Fe architecture spotting the hillsides as far as the eye can see. The stucco coverered homes with lots of windows blend in very nicely. The puplic housing looks like pueblo units. Even the McDonald’s is Santa Fe style architecture!

We spent hours on the internet making arrangements for our Russian visas, catching up on emails, and updating the blog. We sit right outside the Holiday Inn where we have a choice of connection from the RV Park accross the street or the Inn.

Will found cupboard hinges at Lowes and installed them so now we won't have squeeky sounds as we drive down the road! One night we watched a fox jump from roof to roof and down to the ground where it met up with another fox and both ran off. Another night the fox walked right by the van! And a Northern Flicker sat on the post right outside the van for a few moments before flying off. Nature in the city!

It was time for a good movie and what better way to spend a cloudy cold rainy day but in the movie theater. We saw Chronicles of Narnia -Prince Caspian based on the book by CS Lewis (great reading!) and Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull on Justin’s recommendation. Both were good.
(Last three photos were clipped from the internet)


mary said…
I like all the glass on display. This is an interesting place. Makes you wonder why it is there.

You find the neatest things to do with you blog. I like the map of your favorite places..

mary said…
Oh I forgot I have been writing in my journal [long story ] and found older entries and read about the day we met you. I know you know where ,,do you remember when?

Anonymous said…
hi guys!
we're finally on the water! Boating season has begun
cliff and maria
mary said…
It was in McAllen TX at BW"3's
Feb 20, 2003. The Bud girls came in and gave us free beer with the "born on" date. Other trinkets also. You guys won the last game because of a question about PA,,,No fair..
You gave us your card with Email address [pocket mail] and said you plan on being in Alaska by July..
How is that for some real life trivia..
Van-Go said…
Mary, you win the prize for Life Trivia!! Glad you like the map-you can do it too! just click on the website under the map.

Ria and Cliff, so how's the water?

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