BLM Cottonwood Picnic Area

April 26, 2008
Sitting around the BLM Cottonwood picnic area we saw lots of different birds: vultures, hawks, ducks, yellow headed blackbird, grebes, turkey, egret, swallows, woodpecker, tanagers and LBBs (little brown birds). It was so relaxing we did a little craft work, read and puzzled. We have visitors coming to fish or swim, walk their dog or take a hike. Coming back from a walk down to the deck with their dog a young girl yelled ahead to her boyfriend who was running the dog, “Run, Forrest, run!”
We climbed inside at dusk and watched Forrest Gump….not really we watched Red October about a Russian submarine. We climbed into bed and were just ready to fall into that deep dreamy sleep when it started. The wind. It blew steady at first then the gusts came. Not so bad, but we had the awning out so the canvas would blow up and slam ino the rods. When the gusts came it sounded like the whole awning was going to rip right off the van. So Will went out to check it out and Kathy followed in her jimmies. There we were in the dark with gusts of wind blowing. Kathy held down the awning while Will undid the little ropes. One gust came and lifted the awning and slammed it back down so that one side collapsed, but Kathy held tight. Then, Will held the awning while Kathy wound it in fast; her arms ached, but she didn’t stop. The wind was gusting again. We did it. Safe and sound inside again we were able to fall asleep to the sound of gusting winds.


amy said…
Awnings can be a hassle and a blessing!! My mom has one on her deck and one day after a summer rain we were taking it down...well she put her side down first and got a bath from the water that had collected during the summer storm!! I wish I had it on video because I could have won AFV!!
mary said…
Oh yes, awnings and wind are a scary thing. Many a time in middle of the night , outside our trailer usually in a pouring rain, we hung on, pulled and pulled to get the dang thing rolled up saying the sky looked real clear when I shut the door and lights off.

Oh you bring back memories.


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