Doctors and Diets

August 7, 2007
Doctor visits have occupied our days recently. Jayne got all the staples removed and the drainage tubes removed. Her oncologist gave her a daily pill to reduce the chances of cancer returning. She is doing wonderful, making her own breakfast and lunch, doing dishes and laundry and spending the rest of the time with her word finds. We are happy, but frustrated that she is doing too much. At 90 years old, however, she gets her way. She is determined to be a breast cancer survivor for many more years!

Will drank down a gallon of colon cleaning juice and braved the anesthesia for a Colonoscopy. Results were: everything is normal in there. That is good, but he still has the symptoms so will return to the doctor for more discussions. Will’s favorite activity is still playing Fate; he is in the eighth generation. Between doctor visits and Fate he is keeping the yard looking great, catching up on TV commercials, and trying to beat his score on computer solitaire.

The newest exam out for women is the breast MRI. Kathy has been having them every six months the last few years since she was diagnosed with carcinoma in situ. They have made two improvements: the table is now more like a massage table which is so much more comfortable and the IV for the contrast stuff is put into the larger veins of the arm instead of the smaller veins of the hand. The forty or so minute test is still noisy and you have to lay real still on this narrow table, but the results can give women early detection of breast cancer so it is worth it.

Cholesterol and Fiber are buzzwords in the diet world. Kathy is learning all she can as her cholesterol is in the way too high range. Zetia is helping, but now the triglycerites are too high. She tried a new pill last night, niaspan. Her doctor did tell her that hot flashes were a side effect, but WOW! It was more like spending three hours directly after sitting out in the blazing sun with coco butter on. Then, to make the feeling worse, the hands and feet itch like you have a case of poison ivy. To catch up on the new stuff we are taking a nutrition class later this month and meeting up with a nutritionist to help us figure out what and how much we can eat. We are both doing really well. We have both lost some weight and we are eating healthier.


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