Parked at Beech Road

July 28, 2007
Jayne is doing so well we have to look at the 30 staples across her chest and the two plastic bottles hanging from tubing coming out of her chest to realize she just had major surgery. She has had visits from several neighbors and friends. She really appreciates all the cards and well wishes. Kathy's sister, Maria, stopped over after work. Kathy was sure excited to see her. After visiting with Jayne and eating dinner the two sisters sat out on the porch gabbing away.We do the domestic routines of dust and sweep. We make meals and check on Jayne's needs. Kathy is doing a craft project and reading a book; Will is doing yard maintenance and playing Fate. The best time of the day is early mornings when we sit out on the front porch with our coffee watching the birds. There are three squirrels that like to come over; Will keeps them away from the birdfeeders with his bb-gun. We put a cement squirrel down under the bird feeder, but they still come. It is not so bad to share the food with them; it is that destroy the feeders trying to get all the food out. Reminds us of Kathy’s brother, Nick, and his squirrel story: He traps them and lets them go far from home! We wonder how many make it back before he does…hee hee.
Kathy did a little driving about today. She drove out to the north hills and around to the west side and back to the east; the loop took about four hours with stops at shops. It was good getting to be out and about a bit. She even treated herself to a haircut.


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