June 30, 2007
Will woke to the voice of the crows calling with the first signs of light. We headed into Pictou. In town we picked up Tidbits from Tom Horton’s, that is doughnut holes to the rest of the world. Coffee at Carver’s. Vern came in and comfirmed that we were going to sail with his brother from Lunnenburg to Pictou. After doing a little shopping at the Community Market we said goodbye to the ship and we are off to Halifax. Truro has a tidal bore, a wall of water anywhere from a few inches to many feet that travel up the waterways with the incoming tides. Around town are lots of wooden carvings done on the trunks of the many dead trees killed off by some disease. We stopped to watch the tidal bore, but had just missed it by several minutes. We watched the muddy waters recede with the outgoing tide instead. All that remain are mudflats until the tide returns filling the waterways with muddy water once again. We drove through Stewaicke, half way between the North Pole and the Equator. They discovered bones of a mastodon here and today the site is a miniature golf course with a mastodon statue on it. We spent the night at the Atlantic Super Center in Dartmouth.


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