Back in Pittsburgh staying at Jayne's

July 21, 2007
We arrived at Jayne’s in the evening and had a nice visit. We were able to talk in normal voices as she is wearing her new hearing aid. What a difference it makes! The house and yard look okay. We spent the first day here doing yard work, laundry and housework.

Justin sent us a package, actually two packages full of Hawaiian treats. . . pineapple, mango and guava teas, honey covered and plain macadamia nuts, coconut and pineapple syrup, strange dried fruit from China, Soy rice snacks, wasabee macadamia nuts, chocolate covered Kona coffee beans and lots of little chocolates.

Will was watching TV and Bret, the boy from across the street was waiting to use the tractor when Kathy came in and asked if they wanted a dried fruit to which they both put out their hands, took one and popped it into their mouths. Their mouths puckered. Their faces twisted. Kathy asked how they liked the dried fruit from China to which they just looked at each other and nodded. The fruits are covered with a sweet sour stuff that makes your mouth water like eating those sour worm candies.

Kathy took Jayne shopping; she wanted a new nightgown for her trip to the hospital on Tuesday. We didn’t find one she liked. “They don’t make gowns for grandmas it seems” was Jayne’s remark. There were no button downs, no soft pinks or blues. Everything out today in the stores was loud flashy colors with bright designs. Jayne came home with a nice fluffy light blue blanket instead.

We did a little food shopping then went to the gas station to fill up Jayne’s car with gasoline. She had enough points on her Shop N Save card to get 43 cents off a gallon! We decided to save it and use it to fill up the Roadtrek. With a savings like that on 30 gallons with prices over $3 a gallon it will be a bigger savings than just filling her ¾ empty tank.

Corn is in season and we enjoyed ears of corn with dinner. They were those “bread and butter” ones with the white and yellow kernels. Reminded us of the corn we had up Mary’s in Michigan…fresh and tasty. Bet you guys are eating corn everyday!

Stopped next door to chat with the neighbors. They have an herb garden, pond with about 30 carp swimming around and lots of pretty flowers.


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