Memorial Day At Carmine's

May 28, 2007 Happy Memorial Day
Carmine invited us over to celebrate Memorial Day and to send Stevie off to Texas where he will be staying with his girlfriend, Audrey and her parents. Robert did the grill thing and made his famous potato salad. Carmine put a yummy spread out. She even made everyone a old fashion rootbeer float! Brian was also there and shared his latest poem lyrics with is Aunt Kathy. We spent most of the day watching baby Cardinals fledge. By the end of the day they both had hopped up branch by branch far up into the pine trees with the parents encouraging them all along the way. Kathy got to ride with Robert; he has had his license now for about a year and is doing very good. Kathy didn't even have to close her eyes. It was a great gathering of family and friends.


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