Happy 23rd Anniversary Cliff and Maria

May 19, 2007
We drove over to the Marina where Cliff and Maria dock their boat on the Allegheny River. After the hello thing we left Cliff to “play” on his boat and took a walk to the waterfall along an old railroad bed. It was not much a waterfall, but it was a good walk. We could look down on the little marina. Cliff had one side of the boat all waxed and polished when we got back and the boat looked good. We walked along the dock when we got back meeting other boaters. Everyone is getting ready for a summer on the river. We decided to take a little trip down river to look at a houseboat that is for sale. We past the old steel mills, now rusted structures like some barbaric future city. On one of the bouys a seagull was sitting on her nest. Cliff gets going pretty fast and before we knew it we were at the lock. Maria assumed her position at the front of the boat with her hook and line ready. We entered the lock, Maria handed the line up on the hook the dock master had sent down. He pulled up the line and we were ready. The gates closed; we were the only ones in the large lock. Water gets sucked out and we drop about fifteen feet. We continue to the Lighthouse Marina where we docked. We walked around looking at boats and found our new home, a houseboat. We are looking and thinking imagining ourselves as river rats. We headed back. This time we went into the lock Will looped the like over the dock master’s hook like a pro. The water rushed in and we went up about fifteen feet. Cliff zoomed and we were back at the dock in no time. We made them dinner which we all enjoyed sitting on their boat at the dock. We watched a DVD of Martinelli Investigations, a promotional video for potential clients of the firm in Georgia. Nick’s daughter-in-law has a practice and her daughter, Kristy, is the youngest private investigator in Georgia and may in the United States; she was 17 when she began her official work although she went with her mom on many stakeouts before that. The night ended with a bon-fire.


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