February 27, 2007
February 27, 2007
We got up early with the sky just turning bright and walked along the shore.
The waves sort of curl in to the sand as it is shallow here. It was a low
low tide and we were able to walk way out the sand looking for shells. We
found no snail shells, but some very interesting twists from welk shells.
The laughing gulls, plovers, wicket and pelicans are the only others up this
early. But soon the vehicles start to arrive, mostly fishermen. Each morning
two guys come and use a long pole with a suction and pull up clams.
The waves sort of curl in to the sand as it is shallow here. It was a low
low tide and we were able to walk way out the sand looking for shells. We
found no snail shells, but some very interesting twists from welk shells.
The laughing gulls, plovers, wicket and pelicans are the only others up this
early. But soon the vehicles start to arrive, mostly fishermen. Each morning
two guys come and use a long pole with a suction and pull up clams.
We spent the day reading, kiting, puzzeling, and just sitting. The sun
peeked out from time to time; the wind blew briskly. Will made a yummy
shrimp stirfry. After dinner, at sunset, we walked along the shore. It was
dark when we returned to the roadtrek. We watched RobRoy and Stealing Home
with a very young Jodi Foster.