February 26, 2007
Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge. The greenjays were out at the feeder.
They are very colorful birds with lime green bodies and bright blue heads.
When they fly the yellow under their tail feathers shows. The grackles and
red-winged blackbirds chattered away. At the office we visited briefly with
Dina. Her daughter now has two children making Dina a proud Grandma
again.Dina is going to college so works a strange schedule. Mardi is looking
good; her little one is 13 months now. We didn't get to see the manager,
John; he was meeting with law enforcement crews.
We were driving down 106 when Rudy came up in his truck; we stopped. Will
jumped out and gave Rudy a hand shake and a "brotherly" hug. John, a new
volunteer came from the passenger seat and we all chatted a bit. Ron,
another volunteer, drove up in a big truck and joined us. A law enforcement
car stopped and Rudy went and talked with the driver. When he came back he
said we looked suspicious. It was really good to spend a few minutes with
Rudy; we enjoyed working for him and miss him.
We stopped at the Gladys Porter Zoo and watched our animal friends. The
gorillas are so fun. One of the young boys came to the wall and looked up at
Will. Will dropped down a flower from a nearby bush and the gorilla picked
it up and enjoyed the "treat". He walked away from the wall and splashed the
water. Yes there is a moat around their enclosure. Only this young boy seems
to walk around in it. The others will go to the edge to drink, but don't
walk in it. Penny and her baby, now four months, were napping. Bangor was
having fun with the two year old playing chase and climb on Mary, the other
older female. Silverback just sat in his favorite spot.
The tigers seemed very interested in our tan Maui caps as we tossed them at
the window of their enclosure. Two of them even worked their way under the
electric wire to get close to the window. These Samatrian cats are big and
beautiful. the mandrill were uninterested today. The big male just sat on
the wall; they mother was picking through bark chips and the baby moved on
after checking us out. The female lion was napping right up against the
window! We got a good look at her; she has big paws. We always stop in the
aviary and find a few feathers.
It was late when we arrived at Boca Chica for the night; we were the only
vehicle there.