Sunset at Whitewater Draw State Wildlife Refuge

November 13, 2006
Watch the movie of the sandhill cranes at sunset in the Movie Gallery.

It was cold morning. We heard the birds take off before the sun was even up over the hills. We stayed under our covers until it warmed up a bit. The day was hazy, cloud covered and cool. Late morning we watched the sky turn black with Sandcranes coming in. They came in groups and swarms and long lines. They put down their legs as they approached the shore and settled in. Many landed on this side of the lake there were so many. We were giddy with the view, so many coming in. By noon they were settled and only a few stragglers came.

Will worked on the 2007 calendar; Kathy journaled, read and crocheted. The day past quickly. We watched a hawk; we called him ours as he seemed to hunt in this area regularly. The sky was red when we walked out to the view area. We could hear the sandhill cranes across the water. They were making an unusual amount of raucous. They were flying off at the time they should be settling for the night. We hear also a drumming, off in the distance where the green irrigated field comes close to the lake. With the drumming the birds lifted off filling the sky and resettling further up the shore. It was dark as we walked back to the roadtrek. The sky was filling with stars. We watched as they popped out of the darkness. Then we headed in for our movie, Princess of Thieves.


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