Kathy Made Dinner

October 13, 2006

Will and John got up early and took care of the horses and dogs and got in lots of buddy time. Kathy enjoyed sleeping in and taking a long hot shower, sipping coffee and watching the morning news. After reading the paper, working puzzles and chatting about the state of government today we separated our paths. John readied himself for work, Kathy read a magazine and Will jumped on the John Deere tractor with mower bed on the back and headed for the front field. Later in the day when John returned home Will and John took the horses out for a run in the field. Wow, they had those horse running!

Kathy made a nice salmon dinner for John and his friend. She made stuffed mushrooms and artichoke dip for our appetizers which we enjoyed sitting in the living room toasting with hot pepper vodka from Russia and lemon vodka from the states. Dinner was served formally in the dining room with salad first, then the entrée. Raspberry sorbet broke the meal and desert of key lime pie. It was a fun dinner with lively conversation and funny jokes.


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