John Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa

October 8, 2006

We drove through the birthplace of John Wayne, Winterset, Iowa. Our stop included playing some tennis, well hitting balls back and forth anyway to give us a little exercise. Then we walked around the square. We cut across Iowa on sr92 leading us through rural country. Most the farms are corn and most are in the process of being harvested.

In Fontanelle we paused long enough to see the town mural and wooden Indian statue. We came to Omaha, Nebraska. At Lake Manawa State Park we made some dinner.

A surprise call came from Linda with good news: we have money with the PA Treasury. They hold unclaimed money; check to see if you have unclaimed money with your treasury department! Linda, it was fun catching up on life with the family too! Justin’s cousins are in the workforce: Erin is with Mellon Bank and Erich is teaching math.
Hart’s daughter Ava is already two! My goodness where does the time go?

It was sunset when we headed over to the Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Steeler game and play some trivia. We crossed town and headed for the Waldorf and decided to jump up on the interstate and stay at the rest area instead. We were glad we did; it was a quiet spot.


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