Time with Mary, Bob and their Family

September 14, 2006

We spent time at the Walmart doing searches on the internet; love this wifi! We updated the journals and galleries on our blog, and sent a bunch of email. Will updated our route map and we found that our drive today would only be about forty minutes! Gosh we could have made that last night and gotten in some trivia time with Mary and Evelyn! Well I guess we were just too anxious to shop. Morning time went by so quickly and before we knew it time to depart was upon us.

We headed southeast and arrived at Mary and Bob’s. Mary greeted us outside her house with a big smile and a grand hug. Mary lives on a lake and we got the grand tour of home (We had seen the pictures of the new remodeling.) and area. Her cousin from California, Janet, is visiting; her Mom came by and brought dinner; her daughters-Lisa and Denise- dropped in too. What a great family.

We went to the Penalty Box and played some trivia. The sports bar had Detroit Redwing pictures everywhere; a former coach and player own it. We met HURON and FRED, other players who makes the big board regularly at the Penalty Box. On the way back to Mary’s we got the neighborhood tour: the house built on the swamp with a covered bridge over the entrance, the quarter of a million dollar house and the millions of dollars houses for sale and the cute little wooden cabin for sale for hundreds of thousands of dollars that someone will buy just for the lot, a scraper. Next stop was Denise’s home, which is also on the lake. It was beautiful, big and landscaped to accentuate the lake. Richard, her husband, works producing and distributing his produce to retailers. Right now is corn and squash season.

Back at Mary’s the ladies sat around the kitchen table chatting till late in the night. The guys, Will, Bob and Richard, watched some TV, talked and relaxed. We climbed into bed and went right to sleep.


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