Octoberfest in Frakenmuth, MI

September 17, 2006

The sun rose over the lake. Kathy did a half walk this morning while Will readied the van for departure and Bob helped him fill the water tank. We sipped a little coffee and munched English muffins and it was time to say good-bye. Hugs and handshakes, then we loaded up. Mary and Bob walked us out and stayed waving until we were out of site. We will see them next in Texas.

Frankenmuth is a tourist town set up like a German town. We arrived early and were able to park and walk about before the crowds came. Damiana is the name of our granddaughter; she was named after an herb. We found the herb in a little shop and got some to mail to her. We picked up some died pineapple and banana too- yum. The covered bridge reminded us of Will’s cousin who visits ever one and takes pictures. Their home is filled with covered bridge memorabilia. At the craft booths we admired flowers in a resin made into jewelry; Will bought a Black-eyed Daisy pin for Kathy. We munched a bratwurst sandwich and had a picnic by the covered bridge. If you want to have a book of 26 pages published check with Patricia Glass at easytomakebook.com. It was a fun morning walking around.

Bay City was a stop to get out and walk to the Saginaw Bay. We made some corn. Gosh it is so good. We relaxed a bit then headed up to Linwood Beach just a few miles up along the MI coast. The beach grass waved in the breeze, the water was about five-hundred yards off through the wetlands. We met a couple visiting their son who use to live in the FL for the winter. We shared travel experiences and adventures. They were one of the few people we have met who went into Valdez, Alaska; they spent a week there. Valdez was our favorite spot in Alaska. Like so many people they shared about meeting the same people over and over again. There is only one road in Alaska!


Patricia Glass said…
Hello! Wow - Imagine how excited I was to see you mention me in your blog. I just ran across this after doing a search on Google.

I am Patricia Glass and I'm flattered that you have listed me in your writing. Your blog is spectacular and it looks like you have had a wonderful journey.
You know - you could make a beautiful book with all this wonderful commentary! ;) If you would like a free publishing account - please contact me and I will set one up for you. Once again - thank you for the honarble mention! Hope you have wonderful journeys this summer.
Patricia Glass said…
Hello! Wow - Imagine how excited I was to see you mention me in your blog. I just ran across this after doing a search on Google.

I am Patricia Glass and I'm flattered that you have listed me in your writing. Your blog is spectacular and it looks like you have had a wonderful journey.
You know - you could make a beautiful book with all this wonderful commentary! ;) If you would like a free publishing account - please contact me and I will set one up for you. Once again - thank you for the honorable mention! Hope you have wonderful journeys this summer.

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