Elyssa and Kelly Remember Ms M-Z and Mr. Bradley

Mel and Nan had invited us over for breakfast. It was a nice surprize to see Monica and her daughter Kelly. Elyssa and Kelly have grown up to be wonderful young girls. We remember their kindergarten days fondly. Elyssa spending time at the puzzle center quickly putting pieces into the correct spots and coloring lots of great pictures for her teacher. Kathy still has Kelly's pictures too! Today Elyssa has started high school and will be appearing on Fox Chapel TV; Kelly finishes Dorseyville Middle school this year and still loves soccer and basketball.

Nan made yummy waffles for breakfast. We sat together around the table with little Truffles, Elyssa puppy, jumping up for attention. Abbey has grown up too; she is now in first grade. It was fun to hear the lates news of freinds, school life and mutual aquaintences. We were treated to a video that was shown for Elyssa's bat mitzva. It blended photographs from birth to present, of family and friends and good times; it was put to music. What a great keepsake. Her kindergarten graduation picture and a picture of her at the Aviary with Ms M-Z were part of the collection.

We gave eveyone a tour of the roadtrek. Carol, a fellow teacher who happens to live next door, came over to say hello. We shared a few stories of our travels and of life on the road. It was incredable to see the girls, renewing our connection, and visiting with them. Having this new picture of who they are creates a new image until we meet up again. Two really special people! And families that are sincere and real. We are very touched that they keep in touch with us.


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