July 22, 2006

Jayne had made arrangements with Nicole that we would all drive together to the memorial service for Aunt Flo, but she didn't come a the appointed time so we called. She could not get a sitter for the kids and was unable to join us.

We arrived at the church in the South Hills a few minutes before the service. We greeted Trish and family, Barb and family, and Aunt Ruth and family. Friends of Barb were also there. Reverend Jack from the Country Meadow Assisted Living Home gave the service. It was very nice. He started by saying when he first met Florence he said that most everyone called him Reverend Jack. She said, " I won't ask what your wife calls you." He was not sure how to take it, but saw the twinkle in her eye. From that point they became good friends. Will gave stories: the sponage cake that Flo sent him when he was in the service made wwith real sponages and real chocolate frosting, Kathy calling in the geese so she could feed them, sitting on the bed during WWII blackouts between Aunts Ruth and Flo, and when he was two geting a wind-up train from Aunt Floie. Rich, Trish's husband, Jack, Barb's husband and Hillary, Flo's granddaughter told a few stories too.

After the service we all went to the Fellowship hall to enjoy a meal together. There was chicken with aprocot sauce, cesar salad, spinach wih strawberries, rolls and fruit salad. The deserts were cheese cake and lemon cream cake.

A table was set up with memoriblia. Jayne brought a box of cards that Flo had designed and painted with watercolors. We brought cards too and a stuffed angel she had made for Will many years ago that sits atop our Christmas tree each year. There was the stuffed green duck, a picture of the family a the beach and some paintings that she had done. Trish put together a little album with pictures of Flo from a young girl through a mature woman.

A short service was held out in the courtyard recognizing the ashes being buried. They were mixed with George's ashes. The other half the the ashes mixed also with her departed husband were being taken to the beach in NC to be set free on the wind.

We all met up again at Barbs's home. We enjoyed margarettas in memory of Flo and spent the rest of the day telling stories, catching up with ech others lives, enjoying the antics of the younger family and the disaplines of the older ones. Hugs all around and we were ready to leave Jack, Barb and Hillary to a quiet night. Barb gave us all the remaining food and we laughed as the trunk was filled and did we want to take dishes or anything else.

We arrived at Jayne's after 10pm and ready for sleep. Aunt Flo you will not be forgotten-we have lots of stories and fond memories!

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