July 17, 2006

We arrived at Jill's in GlenAllen, Virginia and have been getting aquainted with Silas and Stella. Silas is just four weeks old and already trying to pick up his head and is more and more alert. Stella, in her twos, is a barrel of laughs and such fun. She took a while to warm up to us, but now we are part of her day. She plays piano and xylophone with "Uncle" Will and has tea parties with Aunt Kathy.

We attended a birthday part for the girl next door with the family. We met one of the old women who told us this story: She worked at the nursery at the church for many years. One day she was out showing some yound children how to dive. Later that night a mom called her. The mom's son had told her that the lady "died", she "died" right into the water! Kids!

A big yellow butterfly stayed around for about five minutes. Stella got up real close and looked at it. She put her finger out to touch it and it flew away.

Nate picked up Stella and put her on his shoulders. Then he takes her around the back fields with her calling, "hop, hop where hop hop?"

Will found a small toad. Stella watched him hop about and walked after it. She bent down to see it real close. The little toad thought it was hiding in the bark chips.

Kathy and Stella played in the pool. They did Ring-around-the-rosy and splashed with Hoho and the snail. The neighbor put out their volcano sprinkler and Stella was afraid of it. She and Kathy went up to examine it when it went off. Stella didn't like the poof of water that came out unexpectedly shooting into the air about 20 feet.

Stella was throwing twigs and pine needles out fo the rabbits. She said,"I want rabbit". Later she said, Uncle Forrest get rabbit." When Kathy relayed what had happened, Jill said that they tell Stella about Forrest hunting. Stella sure put things together well for a two year old.

Stella likes bubbles. We gave her a gallon of bubble water as she calls it and we blew bubbles all the time. Will could make some pretty big ones.

Kathy brought Stella into the van a few times. She liked to climb up on the bed. The first time she petted the alligator, but the second time she didn't want him near her. She finally sat by him. She went straight for the little snail though!

We watched the kids while Nate and Jill had a date. They went to a concert and drinks with friends. Stella was asleep for the night, but Silas got up for a feeding. He then went right back to bed.

We watched them another time while Nate was at work and Jill went to her eye doctor appointment. Silas mostly napped and Stella had fun with her Aunt and Uncle making tye-dye flowers for Mom and putting on tatoos and coloring and reading books and walking around with her "meme purse" and doing puzzles. The time past so quickly. Jill was walking in the door before we knew it.

The families in the neighborhood bring meals over every other day for two weeks to help out new Moms. Jill had her last two delivered while we were there. One was a chicken breast in sauce with green beans; the other was bbq chicken with green beans. Both were good. Tonight Jill is planning to make shicabobs.

Jill and Aunt Kathy had lots of time for girl talk. They went through clothes and Kathy got some new outfits! Yea.

Stella is just adorable. Silas is so precious.

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