Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center and Botanical Gardens

April 16, 2008
We stopped at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Center and Botanical Gardens, 507-acres of grassland, rocks and desert just outside of Fort Davis . ( We made the same mistake we did years ago going in the drive across the street that ends up at a rehab center so had to turn around and go in the drive across the street. There were lots of feeders for humming birds outside on the wide roofed porch of the visitor center. The display of rocks from different periods of time was very interesting as was the small tree, a living relic dating back to the dinosaur days.

We did a little more internetting and made the first step toward our summer trip to Siberia-we booked our airfare to Moscow!!! Ambassador Travel in Pittsburgh is handling everything for us.

We stopped for ice cream in Fort Davis and caught this sign on the building-love it! Then, we drove on thru the pillars of rocks to the rest area outside of town where we made dinner, chicken salad, did some more phone calling and then moved along to Ranch Road 1832, a quiet little spot off the main roads.


Unknown said…
When are you going to Moscow - I don't remember you saying the dates you will be gone.
amy said…
Your dinner looks good and you are gtoing to Moscow-you better buy and extra camera card for all the pictures we will be looking for the blogs!!!
mary said…
You guys are amazing.. You keep me entertained. We are still in Texas for at least 2 weeks. How are you going to be traveling in Moscow?
Van-Go said…
Carmine, We are going mid July
Amy, Will 8 gig be enough we wonder
Mary, We will be rushin'

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