
Showing posts from April, 2011

Garage Sale

248 beech road in Plum,PA

Truman house


Meerkat Cannonball at Kansas City Zoo

I have an idea I think I can be a meerkat cannonball. Can we watch Sure; I'm going in I' m ready. Fire the cannon! Oh man! That wasn't right. What was he thinking?

Kansas City Zoo, MO

What a grand day we had!!!

My little Great Nephew is two days old!!


This theater was built in1907

It is in Concordia, KS

Movie night in Smith Center, KS



Geographic Center of the lower 48, Geodetic Center of North America, the World's Largest Ball of Sisal Twine all within 50 miles of each other in north central Kansas; coincidence? I think not.


The skyscraper of the Kansas Prairie is located in Ness There is a collection of straight razors; the town use to have a manufacturing plant that closed many years ago Maryanne, the lady to the right was nice enough to give a building tour The Hutchinson Zoo is home to several eagles Who are you looking at? Another of the 8 wonders of Kasas is the Underground Salt Mine; we went down 650 feet just to see the caverns left where they had mined out the road salt. Like Cliff keeping his boat in a mine in PA; people come from miles around to keep things safe in this mine.  Things like costumes and movie reels And a big block of pure salt Thanks to our tour guides Morton Salt also takes salt from the area, but by a different method. We enjoyed a dinner out at Chili's The Cosmosphere was a fun museum of spacey things Pluto got put on the back wall Moon Rock Neat old building Definitely want to come back here; you can even spend the night! The sky got da...