Cookie Day started at 5:00AM for Kathy, Maria and Carmine and Robert. First cookies went in the oven at 6AM. Sueann and Don arrived about 8AM and Jessica and Travis arrived about noon. We made about 4,000 cookies this year! The last batch came out of the oven around 3PM. Sueann gets credit for bringing three kinds along ready made and packaged. Carmine gets credit for having dough mixed and in the fridge and anise cookies rising on the trays ready to go. Don gets credit for unwrapping the peanut kisses and kneading the biscotti; Robert gets credit for running out in the snow to get us more needed supplies. Jess and her boyfriend, Travis, get credit for knotting the dough for the Love Knots. Kathy gets credit for buring only one tray of cookies. And another Cookies Day passes with cookies all around!