October 12, 2009 It started off a fairly sunny day, but soon clubbered up. We had spent the night at the Stone Mountain Church at mile marker 222 of the Blue Ridge Parkway. We meandered the windy road following along the ridge line of the mountains. The leaves of golden oranges and burnt reds filled the hillsides. We had lunch at Sheets Gap. By then the fog had rolled in tight around us and we went more slowly wiggling our way pushing the fog away as we drove through it, so thick it was. Rain drops splashed on our windshield and we were lulled into our trip with the drip drop of rains and the whish of our wipers. We could see little from the sides of the roads, burnt colored leaves among the pines, green grass stopping abruptly for the gray ribbon of highway. We pushed on. There was a detour that put us on Idlewild Road ( not to be confused with Idlewild, PA). Down off the ridge we could see again, but it was still raining. We passed a Christmas tree farm or three. (Just abut 90 days t...