First Will and Kathy walked around malls looking at clothes and styles. Then Kathy went shopping with Carmine and got an outfit for the upcoming Russia trip. The color pattern was shades of pink. Kathy went shopping with Sueann and finished the travel wardrobe blending the pinks with black. The wardrobe for 28 days consists of two skirts, walking shorts, jeans, jammies, black slacks, black dress, three sweaters, six tops, jacket, sandles, sneakers, peds and underclothes. The most expensive item.....the bras! Will also went shopping on several occations picking out a few items, trying on a few items and ended up with a wardrobe also. His consist of three slacks, walking shorts, sleeping clothes, socks, longsleeve dress shirt, two ties, six tops, jacket and underclothes. His most expensive item.....Polo jacket